Sunday, October 23, 2011


2 pounds boneless beef chuck
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
3 TBS olive or vegetable oil; more as needed
3 C diced yellow onions
3 large cloves garlic, minced (abt 1 Tbs)

  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 TSP dried thyme leaves
3 TBS all-purpose flour
3 C stewing liquid:
  • 1 1/2 C fresh orange juice
  • 1 C white wine*
  • 1 1/2 C water
4 C prepared vegetables. abt 1 1/2 pounds
3 TBS coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley or other fresh herb
** The goodness ofthis stew is in the way it is cooked. The vegetable flavors are not lost in the meat flavor.
Other seasonings and/or stewing liquid may be used.
*I leave out the wine and the stew is good with orange juice and water.
Step 1: Prepare the beef
Adjust a rack to the lower middle ofthe oven and heat oven to 450 degrees F.
Pat the beef dry with paper towels, trim away fat, cut into 1" cubes. Season
generously with salt and pepper.
Step 2: Sear the beef 
Heat 2 TBS oil over medium-high heat in a heavy-based Dutch oven that is 9 to 11" in diameter. As soon as wisps ofsmoke rise from the pan, add a quarter ofthe beef cubes,taking care not to crowd the pan. Sear the beefuntil two sides form a dark-brown crust 8 to 10 minutes totaL Transfer the beefto a bowl and continue to sear the remaining beef in batches, adding more oil ifneeded. It is fine if the pan bottom darkens, but if it smells like it's burning, lower the heat just a little. Set all the seared beef aside in the bowl.
Step 3: Cook the aromatics
Reduce the heat to medium and add the onions and garlic to the empty pot. If the pan looks dry, add a TBS of oil. Cook, stirring frequently, until softened (abt 5 min)
Step 4: Add the seasonings
Add the seasonings, continue to cook, stirring, until fragrant, (30 seconds or 1 minute). Season with salt and pepper.
Step 5: Add the flour and liquids
Stir in flour and then the stewing liquid. Return the beef and any accumulated juices to the pot.
Step 6: Cover tightly & cook
Lay a large sheet of heave-duty foil over the pot and, using a potholder or thick towel, press it down in the center so it almost touches the stew and is pressed against the sides of the pot. Crimp the foil around the rim for a tight seal.Cover snugly with the lid. Tum the burner to medium high until you hear juices bubble. Put the pot in the oven and cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Step 7: Cook the vegetables
Meanwhile, cook the vegetables by steaming or saute'ing.
Step 8: Add the vegetables
Remove the pot from the oven, carefully remove the foil, and stir in the cooked vegetables. Remembering that the pot and lid are hot, cover again with the foil and the lid. Let stand so that the meat rests and the vegetables marry with the stew, about 15 minutes.
Step 9: Adjust & serve
When ready to serve, the stew juices might need thinning to achieve a thin gravy consistency. If so, stir in water -1/4 C at a time -as needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Gently reheat, if necessary and serve garnished with parsley or other fresh herb.

(Submitted by F. Chidester)

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